used as non-ionic detergent into washing and cleaning preparations; emulsifier, dispersing agent and wetting agent as well

Product characteristics

EBOL EM-SCH is a surface active agent of a non-ionic background.


EBOL EM-SCH is used as non-ionic detergent into washing and cleaning preparations. It is utilizable as emulsifier, dispersing agent and wetting agent as well.

Product features

EBOL EM-SCH je při normální teplotě bezbarvá až nažloutlá středně viskózní kapalina se sklonem ksedimentaci.

Mísitelnost EBOLu EM-SCH (10 % při 23 °C):

Destilovaná vodaPitná voda (2,7 mmol Ca2+/l)Hydroxid sodný
Kyselina chloro-vodíkováChlorid sodný (5%)Solventní naftaEthanolAromatické uhlovodíky

+= čirý roztok
*= těžko rozpustný (nerozpustný sediment)
-= nerozpustný
o= neprůhledná emulze

Product manufacturing

EBOL EM-SCH is applicable in 1,5 to 10 % concentrations into that products targeted the washing dishes, universal washing preparations as well as some types of formulations of washing pastes. By the application of this product you can take advantage of its high degreasing ability on the one hand and lowered foaming ability on the other. Furthermore, EBOL EM-SCH might also be used as emulsifier, dispersing agent as well as wetting agent.

Packing and storage

EBOL EM-SCH is delivered in polyethylene cans (50 litres) or in other packages that have been discussed in advance. Product is stored in closed containers in temperatures within +5 up to +25 °C. Product must be protected from direct weather influences. If the product is exposed to temperatures below 0 oC it does not have any negative effects on the application properties of the product.


EBOL EM-SCH is transported in covered vehicles and is not subject to the ADR/RID regulations.


If the product is transported and stored according to the above mentioned conditions, the warranty is 6 months from the date of stock-out.


Data about the product characteristics and its manufacturing were acquired by laboratory measurements and application tests. This technical sheet can only give a legal advice without any obligation. The manufacturing of the product must be adjusted to the specific conditions.
Purpose of useprodcution of shower gels, production of liquid soaps, production of car-care products, prodcution of disinfectants, production of hand-washing pastes
lrqa.cz schp.cz urs-czech.cz mpo.cz